We see those in ministry across our county as one family. As such, we take seriously our role to support, encourage, develop, and care for those on the front line of service. We rebel against the association being a loose confederation of separate entities, and embrace the idea that autonomous churches can also be a united people focused on The Kingdom rather than a kingdom. We believe churches work best when they work in concert with one another, not independently or in competition with one another.
Develop Leaders
We believe discipleship is leaders developing new leaders to be sent out and not held back. We identify those whom God is calling to leadership, train them to work according to their calling, and mentor and coach them so they can be deployed to the field. Wherever their field is, we relish opportunities to care for them as much as if they were living next door.
Download Our Leadership Plan Here
Plant Churches
We believe that until every person has found a church home, we need to plant more churches. We believe in using any and all innovative means to accomplish this task while staying true to the teachings of Jesus. We believe in multiple approaches, languages, cultures, styles, and locations. We believe in focusing on the field, just as Christ called for chasing after the 1 rather than being satisfied with the 99 at home.
We see Brazoria County as our most immediate charge and a front door to the entire world. Neither is more important. Therefore we will go to any place or people group in the world to which God calls us, using the best practices here and abroad to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. As people of the world cross borders and oceans, culturally contextualized ministries will only become more important in the future. We believe the bride of Christ transcends boundaries, and we affirm the idea of GlobaLocal among our highest values.